Email: Feel free to talk to us: 214-321-KIDS (5437)

Building the foundation of your child’s success

Our programs at Little Scholars Learning Center are designed to incorporate fun into learning. We understand that play is an essential element in a child’s development, and we strive to achieve their optimum growth with positive experiences. Our goal is to make your child’s time with us a wonderful learning experience.

Our Curriculum

Little Scholars Learning Center uses a research-based curriculum with a cross-disciplinary model that supports children’s ongoing social-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive development. Children are also immersed in activities that promote Language and Literacy, Math and Reasoning, Creative Arts, Social Studies, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math). We utilize instructional materials designed to stimulate all developmental domains so that our learners find meaning in the activities they partake in.

Want to Learn More?

We are more than happy to tell you more about us and our programs and help you make informed decisions about your child’s education. Please feel free to send us a message at your convenience. You can also set an appointment to look around the center.